
Software and compilers Database engines Third party tools Other links

  • PB's support forums
    Loads of PB related information - some very, very knowledgeable and dedicated people hang out here.
  • PowerBASIC Crypto Archives
    This site is a great place to find encryption and compression code. Thanks to Wayne Diamond for bringing us this great code collection!
  • MS Developer
  • Carl Franklin's home page
    Carl seems like a pretty good guy (he answers his email:). He's a trainer, mostly in Microsoft development technologies - specifically VB.
  • Delphi 32
  • Torry's Delphi Page
  • w3Schools
    I have a few comments about this one ...
    1. They have some excellent on-line tutorials for html, dhtml, xml, xsl, etc.
    2. Their soap, asp, etc. tutorials are very pro-Microsoft - to the point of evangelizing. I have nothing against M$, I would rather they stay training-focused instead of trying to sell me on something (.net, etc).
    3. That said, it's a great site to learn technologies.

Did I miss someone? Want a link here? If so, send me an email and if the link is judged appropriate, I'll add it here.